Immersive technologies offer major advantages for so many sectors. They can be used for service and…
Martha Lane Fox, one of the UK’s most influential entrepreneurs and internet activists, will be the…
Tay5G, a Tay Cities Region Deal project in collaboration with the Scotland 5G Centre and university…
Life-limiting pain inspired artist to create uplifting film A young artist who suffered years of…
Abertay University has launched new leading-edge lab spaces to support teaching and research…
Tay5G Challenge Fund 2 Announces Winners for Promising Innovations in Scotland Tay5G, a Tay Cities…
Brian McNicoll, Head of the University of Dundee's Centre for Entrepreneurship (Left), and…
5G buoys to launch from Dundee harbour will help fight ‘hostile’ attacks on UK energy network Jet…
Pop-Up 5G Drones to Transform Mountain Search and Rescue Tay Cities Region Deal Tay5G funds…